Personal Computer World 2009 February
Griffith 0.9.8
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__all__ = []
"""Python wrapper
for Amazon web APIs
This module allows you to access Amazon's web APIs,
to do things like search Amazon and get the results programmatically.
Described here:
You need a Amazon-provided license key to use these services.
Follow the link above to get one. These functions will look in
several places (in this order) for the license key:
- the "license_key" argument of each function
- the module-level LICENSE_KEY variable (call setLicense once to set it)
- an environment variable called AMAZON_LICENSE_KEY
- a file called ".amazonkey" in the current directory
- a file called "amazonkey.txt" in the current directory
- a file called ".amazonkey" in your home directory
- a file called "amazonkey.txt" in your home directory
- a file called ".amazonkey" in the same directory as amazon.py
- a file called "amazonkey.txt" in the same directory as amazon.py
Sample usage:
>>> import amazon
>>> amazon.setLicense('...') # must get your own key!
>>> pythonBooks = amazon.searchByKeyword('Python')
>>> pythonBooks[0].ProductName
u'Learning Python (Help for Programmers)'
>>> pythonBooks[0].URL
>>> pythonBooks[0].OurPrice
Other available functions:
- browseBestSellers
- searchByASIN
- searchByUPC
- searchByAuthor
- searchByArtist
- searchByActor
- searchByDirector
- searchByManufacturer
- searchByListMania
- searchSimilar
- searchByWishlist
Other usage notes:
- Most functions can take product_line as well, see source for possible values
- All functions can take type="lite" to get less detail in results
- All functions can take page=N to get second, third, fourth page of results
- All functions can take license_key="XYZ", instead of setting it globally
- All functions can take http_proxy="http://x/y/z" which overrides your system setting
__author__ = "Mark Pilgrim (f8dy@diveintomark.org)"
__version__ = "0.64.1"
__cvsversion__ = "$Revision: 1.1 $"[11:-2]
__date__ = "$Date: 2005/08/06 13:29:10 $"[7:-2]
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2002 Mark Pilgrim"
__license__ = "Python"
# Powersearch and return object type fix by Joseph Reagle <geek@goatee.net>
# Locale support by Michael Josephson <mike@josephson.org>
# Modification to _contentsOf to strip trailing whitespace when loading Amazon key
# from a file submitted by Patrick Phalen.
# Support for specifying locale and associates ID as search parameters and
# internationalisation fix for the SalesRank integer conversion by
# Christian Theune <ct@gocept.com>, gocept gmbh & co. kg
# Support for BlendedSearch contributed by Alex Choo
from xml.dom import minidom
import os, sys, getopt, cgi, urllib, string
import timeoutsocket # http://www.timo-tasi.org/python/timeoutsocket.py
except ImportError:
ASSOCIATE = "webservices-20"
LOCALE = "us"
# default API version is from 2005-10-05
# don't touch the rest of these constants
class AmazonError(Exception): pass
class NoLicenseKey(Exception): pass
_amazonfile1 = ".amazonkey"
_amazonfile2 = "amazonkey.txt"
_licenseLocations = (
(lambda key: key, 'passed to the function in license_key variable'),
(lambda key: LICENSE_KEY, 'module-level LICENSE_KEY variable (call setLicense to set it)'),
(lambda key: os.environ.get('AMAZON_LICENSE_KEY', None), 'an environment variable called AMAZON_LICENSE_KEY'),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.getcwd(), _amazonfile1), '%s in the current directory' % _amazonfile1),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.getcwd(), _amazonfile2), '%s in the current directory' % _amazonfile2),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.environ.get('HOME', ''), _amazonfile1), '%s in your home directory' % _amazonfile1),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.environ.get('HOME', ''), _amazonfile2), '%s in your home directory' % _amazonfile2),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(_getScriptDir(), _amazonfile1), '%s in the amazon.py directory' % _amazonfile1),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(_getScriptDir(), _amazonfile2), '%s in the amazon.py directory' % _amazonfile2)
_supportedLocales = {
"us" : (None, "ecs.amazonaws.com/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService"),
"uk" : ("uk", "ecs.amazonaws.co.uk/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService"),
"de" : ("de", "ecs.amazonaws.de/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService"),
"ca" : ("ca", "ecs.amazonaws.ca/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService"),
"fr" : ("fr", "ecs.amazonaws.fr/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService"),
"jp" : ("jp", "ecs.amazonaws.jp/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService")
## administrative functions
def version():
print """PyAmazon %(__version__)s
released %(__date__)s
""" % globals()
def setAssociate(associate):
def getAssociate(override=None):
return override or ASSOCIATE
## utility functions
def _checkLocaleSupported(locale):
if not _supportedLocales.has_key(locale):
raise AmazonError, ("Unsupported locale. Locale must be one of: %s" %
string.join(_supportedLocales, ", "))
def setLocale(locale):
"""set locale"""
global LOCALE
LOCALE = locale
def getLocale(locale=None):
"""get locale"""
return locale or LOCALE
def setLicense(license_key):
"""set license key"""
LICENSE_KEY = license_key
def getLicense(license_key = None):
"""get license key
license key can come from any number of locations;
see module docs for search order"""
for get, location in _licenseLocations:
rc = get(license_key)
if rc: return rc
raise NoLicenseKey, 'get a license key at http://www.amazon.com/webservices'
def setProxy(http_proxy):
"""set HTTP proxy"""
HTTP_PROXY = http_proxy
def getProxy(http_proxy = None):
"""get HTTP proxy"""
return http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY
def getProxies(http_proxy = None):
http_proxy = getProxy(http_proxy)
if http_proxy:
proxies = {"http": http_proxy}
proxies = None
return proxies
def _contentsOf(dirname, filename):
filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename): return None
fsock = open(filename)
contents = fsock.read().strip()
return contents
def _getScriptDir():
if __name__ == '__main__':
return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__))
class Bag: pass
def unmarshal(element):
rc = Bag()
if isinstance(element, minidom.Element) and (element.tagName == 'Details'):
rc.URL = element.attributes["url"].value
childElements = [e for e in element.childNodes if isinstance(e, minidom.Element)]
if childElements:
for child in childElements:
key = child.tagName
if hasattr(rc, key):
if type(getattr(rc, key)) <> type([]):
setattr(rc, key, [getattr(rc, key)])
setattr(rc, key, getattr(rc, key) + [unmarshal(child)])
elif isinstance(child, minidom.Element) and (child.tagName == 'Details'):
# make the first Details element a key
#dbg: because otherwise 'hasattr' only tests
#dbg: on the second occurence: if there's a
#dbg: single return to a query, it's not a
#dbg: list. This module should always
#dbg: return a list of Details objects.
setattr(rc, key, unmarshal(child))
rc = "".join([e.data for e in element.childNodes if isinstance(e, minidom.Text)])
if element.tagName == 'SalesRank':
rc = rc.replace('.', '')
rc = rc.replace(',', '')
rc = int(rc)
return rc
def buildURL(search_type, searchfield, searchvalue, product_line, type, page, license_key, locale, associate):
url = "http://" + _supportedLocales[locale][1]
if search_type == 'ItemLookup':
url += "&AssociateTag=%s" % associate
url += "&AWSAccessKeyId=%s" % license_key.strip()
url += "&ResponseGroup=%s" % type
if product_line:
url += "&SearchIndex=%s" % product_line
url += "&Operation=%s" % search_type
url += "&IdType=%s" % searchfield
url += "&ItemId=%s" % searchvalue
url += "&AssociateTag=%s" % associate
url += "&AWSAccessKeyId=%s" % license_key.strip()
url += "&ResponseGroup=%s" % type
if page:
url += "&ItemPage=%s" % page
if product_line:
url += "&SearchIndex=%s" % product_line
url += "&Operation=%s" % search_type
url += "&%s=%s" % (searchfield, urllib.quote(searchvalue))
url += "&Sort=titlerank"
if not APIVERSION is None:
url += "&Version=%s" % APIVERSION
return url
## main functions
def search(search_type, searchfield, searchvalue, product_line, type = "Large", page = None,
license_key=None, http_proxy = None, locale = None, associate = None):
"""search Amazon
You need a license key to call this function; see
to get one. Then you can either pass it to
this function every time, or set it globally; see the module docs for details.
keyword - keyword to search
search_type - in (KeywordSearch, BrowseNodeSearch, AsinSearch, UpcSearch, AuthorSearch, ArtistSearch, ActorSearch, DirectorSearch, ManufacturerSearch, ListManiaSearch, SimilaritySearch)
product_line - type of product to search for. restrictions based on search_type
UpcSearch - in (music, classical)
AuthorSearch - must be "books"
ArtistSearch - in (music, classical)
ActorSearch - in (dvd, vhs, video)
DirectorSearch - in (dvd, vhs, video)
ManufacturerSearch - in (electronics, kitchen, videogames, software, photo, pc-hardware)
http_proxy (optional) - address of HTTP proxy to use for sending and receiving SOAP messages
Returns: list of Bags, each Bag may contain the following attributes:
Asin - Amazon ID ("ASIN" number) of this item
Authors - list of authors
Availability - "available", etc.
BrowseList - list of related categories
Catalog - catalog type ("Book", etc)
CollectiblePrice - ?, format "$34.95"
ImageUrlLarge - URL of large image of this item
ImageUrlMedium - URL of medium image of this item
ImageUrlSmall - URL of small image of this item
Isbn - ISBN number
ListPrice - list price, format "$34.95"
Lists - list of ListMania lists that include this item
Manufacturer - manufacturer
Media - media ("Paperback", "Audio CD", etc)
NumMedia - number of different media types in which this item is available
OurPrice - Amazon price, format "$24.47"
ProductName - name of this item
ReleaseDate - release date, format "09 April, 1999"
Reviews - reviews (AvgCustomerRating, plus list of CustomerReview with Rating, Summary, Content)
SalesRank - sales rank (integer)
SimilarProducts - list of Product, which is ASIN number
ThirdPartyNewPrice - ?, format "$34.95"
URL - URL of this item
license_key = getLicense(license_key)
locale = getLocale(locale)
associate = getAssociate(associate)
url = buildURL(search_type, searchfield, searchvalue, product_line, type, page,
license_key, locale, associate)
proxies = getProxies(http_proxy)
u = urllib.FancyURLopener(proxies)
usock = u.open(url)
xmldoc = minidom.parse(usock)
# from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint
# PrettyPrint(xmldoc)
data = unmarshal(xmldoc)
if search_type == "BlendedSearch":
if hasattr(data, 'BlendedSearch'):
data = data.BlendedSearch
elif hasattr(data, 'ItemSearchResponse'):
data = data.ItemSearchResponse
elif hasattr(data, 'ItemLookupResponse'):
data = data.ItemLookupResponse
if hasattr(data, 'Errors'):
raise AmazonError, data.Errors
if search_type == "BlendedSearch":
return data
if hasattr(data, 'Items'):
return data.Items
return data
def searchByKeyword(keyword, product_line="Books", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ItemSearch", 'Keywords', keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByTitle(keyword, product_line="Books", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ItemSearch", 'Title', keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def browseBestSellers(browse_node, product_line="Books", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("BrowseNodeSearch", 'Keywords', browse_node, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByASIN(ASIN, type="Large", license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ItemLookup", 'ASIN', ASIN, None, type, None, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByUPC(UPC, product_line="Books", type="Large", license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ItemLookup", 'UPC', UPC, product_line, type, None, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByEAN(EAN, product_line="Books", type="Large", license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ItemLookup", 'EAN', EAN, product_line, type, None, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByAuthor(author, type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("AuthorSearch", 'Keywords', author, "Books", type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByArtist(artist, product_line="Music", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("music", "classical"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('Music', 'Classical')"
return search("ArtistSearch", 'Keywords', artist, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByActor(actor, product_line="DVD", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("DVD", "VHS", "Video"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('DVD', 'VHS', 'Video')"
return search("ActorSearch", 'Keywords', actor, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByDirector(director, product_line="DVD", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("DVD", "VHS", "Video"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('DVD', 'VHS', 'Video')"
return search("DirectorSearch", 'Keywords', director, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByManufacturer(manufacturer, product_line="pc-hardware", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("electronics", "kitchen", "videogames", "software", "photo", "pc-hardware"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('electronics', 'kitchen', 'videogames', 'software', 'photo', 'pc-hardware')"
return search("ManufacturerSearch", 'Keywords', manufacturer, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByListMania(listManiaID, type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ListManiaSearch", 'Keywords', listManiaID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchSimilar(ASIN, type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("SimilaritySearch", 'Keywords', ASIN, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByWishlist(wishlistID, type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("WishlistSearch", 'Keywords', wishlistID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByPower(keyword, product_line="Books", type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("PowerSearch", 'Keywords', keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
# >>> RecentKing = amazon.searchByPower('author:Stephen King and pubdate:2003')
# >>> SnowCrash = amazon.searchByPower('title:Snow Crash')
def searchByBlended(keyword, type="Large", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("BlendedSearch", 'Keywords', keyword, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)